Saturday, November 10, 2007

Food and Cooking Inspirations

Before I start serious eating and cooking in Paris, 3 quick comments on food and cooking inspirations.

Mom, of course must top the list. While more fathers are now beginning to own the influentual role as their children's cooking mentor, the traditional "Mom as Chef" role mostly rules.

Thanks Helen R. for inspiring those around you to love the savory, sweet and comforting nature of cooking and sharing good food.

Also, Here's me and Julia C hanging out in her kitchen in our black and white print tops. You can visit Julia Child's kitchen at the American History museum--visit it at:

Lastly, but not least, The "Swedish Chef" must not be forgotten. How many foodies and chefs owe their success to this most venerable cooking icon? Check him out at:


  1. Do psychologists study their field to solve the dilemmas of their inner psyche?

    Does Michele go to Paris to study cooking in order to eat? We will see...


  2. You can't go wrong with the Swedish Chef! :D Hey Michele, it's Tara!

    Nice work on the start of your new blog!
